Proper Breathing Breathing is the most fundamental function of being alive, and under normal circumstances happens naturally and requires no thoughts; however, intentional breathing techniques can increase performance and protect the spine, control blood pressure spikes, and calm the mind. Â Proper breathing varies depending on the desired outcome of the training session. Â The following is a list of training modalities and the recommended breathing technique, followed by a detailed description of each training modality. Â ENDURANCE TRAINING Cardio: Find a breathing cadence that is natural and calm, avoid panting, take in deeper breaths if necessary Sprinting: For short distances, breath in, begin sprint, steady exhale throughout the distance. RESISTANCE TRAINING Olympic Lifts: Â Deep breath in, hold breath (the valsalva maneuver) to create thoracic pressure, and exhale near completion of the rep, drop the weight not under tension, catch breath normally between reps 1RM: Deep breath in, hold breath (the valsalva maneuver) to create thoracic pressure, and exhale near completion of the rep, lower the weight not under tension, catch breath normally between reps 8-12RM: Negative Phase – Little in, little out, big breath Positive Phase – big breath out. CARDIOVASCULAR TRAINING Whether you are running, biking, rowing, swimming, swinging a kettlebell, slamming […]