Momentary Muscle Failure

By Nick Ryan
July 2, 2015
This entry is part 8 of 8 in the series The A.P.E.X. Way

where to buy clomid uk muscle Momentary Muscle Failure (MMF) is the point at which no more reps can be performed, with perfect form, due to complete acute exhaustion of the muscles required to complete additional repetitions. This article will further define MMF and discuss its importance in making gains in strength and power. We will also discuss muscle fatigue and the impact of intentionally holding back a few repetitions during a set.

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High Intensity Training (HIT) vs. High Volume Training (HVT)

By Nick Ryan
May 14, 2015
This entry is part 7 of 8 in the series The A.P.E.X. Way

Labo The debate over HIT vs. HVT has been a controversial topic in the training community since the late 1970’s. This article will cover both training styles in depth, and will include strengths, weaknesses, and practical applications. This article is intended to present an unbiased analysis of both training styles. While HIT and HVT have been loosely associated with various training domains, this article will primarily focus on strength training for the purpose of increasing muscular size and strength utilizing machines, free weights, and body weight exercises.

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